On The Go

Neighborhood I Spy

5-10 min


under, next to, in front of, around, to the left of, to the right of, close to, far from, behind, on top of

A black and white drawing of the Gracie character looking to her left with the words “I spy... something FAR from me!”

Take turns spotting an object and use spatial words such as under, next to, in front of, around, to the left of, to the right of, close to, far from, and behind to give hints on what the object is. Focus on the location of the object rather than features like color or shape.

Here are some examples:

  • I spy something under the bed.
  • I spy something behind the tree.
  • I spy something next to grocery store.
  • I spy something on top of the box.

Note: Learning left and right takes repetition and practice, usually over several years! Take your time and have fun together!