As you reread Henry’s Map, children use maps to draw the route Henry takes around the farm.
- Henry’s Map by David Eliot
- Follow Henry’s Map (Farm Map) (PDF), one for each child.
Note: Because of copyright considerations, the images used in the activity differ from those in the book. - Crayons or markers (two different colors per child)
- Note: Read the book with children at least once before doing this activity (see Henry’s Map Read Aloud)
- Make photocopies of the Farm Map (PDF), one per child.
- At the end of the activity, you will save children’s maps so that you can use them again with the next activity, Make a Walkable Map.
- Before You Read Henry’s Map Again:
- Pass out the Farm Maps and two crayons/markers to each child. Ask: What do you think this is a map of? Do any of the landmarks look familiar?
- Say: We’re going to read Henry’s Map again. As we read the story, you’ll use a crayon to draw the route Henry takes around the farm. Remind children that a route is the path someone would take to go from one place to another.
- As You Read:
- Pause when you reach the page with Henry’s drawing of his pig sty. Have children locate it on their own maps.
- Continue reading until you reach Henry’s drawing of the woolshed. Ask children to locate that on their own maps.
- Then have children use one crayon to draw the route Henry walks from the sty to the woolshed.
- Continue reading and pausing at landmarks, giving children time to draw the route from one landmark to the next (from the pig sty to the woolshed to the tree to the stable to the chicken coop).
- After you read the section about the animals up on the hill, tell children they will use their other crayon (a different color) to draw the route Henry and the animals take around the farm when they come down from the hill. This time they travel in the opposite direction: they start with the chicken coup and end up at Henry’s sty. Have children draw this route as you read the rest of the book, pausing at each landmark.
- After You Read: Ask children to look at their maps and name each landmark on Henry’s first route around the farm. Then ask children to name the route Henry and the animals took when they came down from the hill. Ask a volunteer to explain what it means when you go in the opposite direction.
- Save children’s maps: they will be using them again in the Make a Walkable Map activity.