Introduce the Farm Map game in the Map Adventures app, which focuses on navigation and spatial language.

- Map Adventures digital game on the iPad (one for each pair of children)
- Make sure the iPads are charged and Map Adventures is installed.
- Play the app yourself so that you feel comfortable demonstrating it to children.
- Note: You’ll introduce the app and how to play during Circle Time. Children will then play Map Adventures: Farm Map in pairs during Learning Center time.
- Tell children they are going to play a new game with a friend in the Map Adventures app. They will visit animals using the Farm Map!
- Hold up the iPad and demonstrate how to play.
- If some children are new to Map Adventures or haven’t had a chance to play with it yet, explain that their faces will appear in the games! Then demonstrate how to hold the iPad to take a photo.
- Playing the Farm Map game. On the next screen, tap on the farm map. Demonstrate how to play.
- Finish by telling them that everyone will get a chance to play Map Adventures: Farm Map during Learning Center time.