Children choose and decorate a robot with stickers, then dangle robots with the same number of dots together on the jungle gym.
![Materials used in Jungle Gym.](../img/jungle-gym-materials.jpg)
- Jungle Gym digital game on the iPad
- Make sure the iPads are adequately charged and Jungle Gym is installed.
- Start with one iPad (keep any additional iPads out of reach).
- Introduce the game. Tell the children they are going to play a game called Jungle Gym on an iPad. Tell them that everyone will get a chance to play. Explain that the object of the game is to connect all the robots that have the same number of dots on their belly.
- Demonstrate how to play the game. Talk children through the training level at the beginning of the game. First, have someone choose a robot to play with. Have another child decorate the robot’s belly with two stickers. Next, show the animated tutorial. In the tutorial, Gracie shows how to drag a robot to the jungle gym, and asks the children to connect the robots with the same number of dots. Have a child follow Gracie’s request and demonstrate to the other children how to drag and connect the robots. Then have the child demonstrate how to shake the iPad to get all the robots down from the jungle gym.
- Distribute any additional iPads and invite the children to play the game. Be available throughout game play. Allow children to play on their own or with a partner while you observe and engage children in conversations about the math. Choose moments to interact that do not interrupt game play, such as the start of a new level, or when a child is struggling and is open to assistance.
- Promote math talk and learning:
- Have children shout out the number of dots on the robot’s shirts, or the number of robots dangling on the jungle gym.
- Ask the children questions such as, How can I get the robots to dangle together? Can these two robots dangle together? Why/why not? After a child builds a column of same-numbered robots, point to each robot in the column and ask, How many dots does this one have? This step may seem redundant, but it will help to reinforce recognition of the number of objects in a group, or subitizing.
- To get children to communicate verbally and logically about the math task and their thinking, ask questions such as, Why did you do that? How do you know that those two robots have the same number of dots?
- As the game advances, the levels become more difficult. Assist children having problems with the math. Reassure children that it’s okay if the game feels hard; it will get easier as they practice. Here are some typical problems children experience and some suggested solutions:
- If a child has trouble identifying the number of dots on a robot’s belly and needs to count the dots, that’s okay! This game is designed to make a bridge from counting to subitizing. Encourage the child to count the dots on all the robots that have the same number so that he or she begins to recognize the number of dots regardless of their spatial arrangement.
- If a child is having trouble with either the math or the motor skills necessary to play the game, consider some one-on-one time to familiarize the child with the iPad touchscreen and the math.
- Assist children as needed with the mechanics of game play, but keep the main focus on math talk.
- If children have trouble dragging robots to the jungle gym, instruct them to use a light touch with the iPad. They should use one finger, place it gently on a robot, and slowly slide their finger up toward the jungle gym. Watch for children using more than one finger or the palm of the hand. Demonstrate or gently hold the child’s finger to show the correct gesture.
- Children learn from and teach each other — especially when they’re playing! Encourage simultaneous or collaborative play for struggling children. Invite more advanced children to explain how they know which robots have the same number of dots.
- Overall, have fun and allow the children to have fun too. They’ll learn while playing!