Play the “I Spy Ramps” ramps game with your child. Does the ramp have a steep or gentle incline?
5–10 minutes
Get Ready
Materials you will need:
- Baking sheet or large picture book
- Ball
- Cell phone or iPad camera
- Positional Words Chart PDF
- Rolling Song: Lyrics PDF
Things to do before the activity:
- Think of an area where you can explore ramps, such as a hilly park, a playground, or an accessible public building.
- Look at the words on the Positional Words Chart with your child. Act them out: stand in front of your child, sit next to your child, and so on.
- Display the “Rolling Song” on your iPad or phone and sing it with your child.
A character with a speech bubble and crab with a thought bubble.
I spy a steep ramp that is behind the swings!
And I spy someone pushing a grocery cart up a ramp!
Step 1.
Before you go outside, tilt a picture book or baking sheet at an angle to make a ramp. Notice the ramp’s steep or gentle incline. Roll a ball or other object down the ramp. Notice how it moves.
- Point out that a ramp is a surface with one end higher than the other. Which end is higher?
- How does the (ball) move down the ramp? What if the ramp were (steeper, gentler)?
- Point out where the (ball) stopped: for example, next to, under, in front of, behind the ramp.
Step 2.
Go outside and look for ramps. When you see a ramp, give I Spy clues to help your child find it. Tell how the ramp is used. For example: I spy a gentle ramp that is behind the tree. There is a ball slowly rolling down the ramp.
- Talk together about ramps you have noticed and how they can make certain tasks easier for people to do.
Step 3.
Find the ramp. Have your child follow the I Spy clues to find the ramp. Take a photo of the ramp.
- Notice the ramp’s gentle incline. Why is the ball moving slowly?
- Point out that an object tends to move faster down a steep ramp and slower down a gentle ramp.
- Switch roles and continue playing the game.
Step 4.
Take a break if your child starts to lose interest. Sing and act out the “Rolling Song.” Replace the word hill in the lyrics with the name of a ramp you found. Then continue playing I Spy.
Look at the photos you took while playing I Spy.
- Count the number of steep and gentle ramps you found. Are more ramps steep or gentle?
- Which ramp is steepest? How did the object move down the steepest ramp?
- Name objects in the photos that are under the ramp, next to the ramp, and so on.