How do plants grow over time? Try these activities to find out!
Indoor Activities
Outdoor Activities
Digital Activities
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- Use snack time to count, sort, make patterns, and compare. Cut fruits and vegetables and have fun with math!
- Find a tree near your home and become tree detectives. Measure its trunk with string, do bark rubbings, or look for critters that live nearby.
- Go outdoors and collect plant parts that have fallen to the ground. Glue each one onto a string. Make plant mobiles to hang from a window.
- Set up an indoor garden. Plant seeds (like marigolds, sunflowers, or grass) in clear containers. Watch the roots and other plant parts grow!
- Come up with other ideas as a family!
How do objects move on ramps? Try these activities to find out!
Indoor Activities
Outdoor Activities
Digital Activities
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- Have your child sit on different materials (such as a towel, rubber mat, or cardboard) as she goes down a slide. Does she move fast, slow, or not at all?
- Gather recycled materials (bottle caps, juice cartons, cardboard tubes, etc.). Race them down baking sheet ramps with your child. Notice how each one moves.
- Find three rolling objects. Have your child guess which one will move fast, faster, or fastest. Then, test his predictions on a ramp.
- Set up a gentle incline. Have your child roll a ball down it. Challenge her to change the ramp incline so the ball moves farther.
- Come up with other ideas as a family!
How can we make and change shadows? Try these activities to find out!
Indoor Activities
Outdoor Activities
Digital Activities
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- Have your child shine a flashlight on different materials (such as plastic wrap, a clear water bottle, aluminum foil, or a towel). Which materials block the light?
- Find shadows outdoors on the ground together. Trace the shadows with chalk. Return to the same object later and trace its shadow again. What changed?
- Use building blocks on a sheet of paper to make shapes together. Shine a light on the shape and trace around the shadow. Rotate the block shape. Notice how the shadow changes.
- Build silly animals or people out of pipe cleaners. Take turns shining a light on them to create silly shadows. Can you make your character's shadow taller? Smaller?
- Come up with other ideas as a family!