Children sort a selection of four to five types of seeds that differ in size, shape, color, and texture and discuss what the seeds need to help them grow.

- Collection of 4–5 types of seeds of different shapes, sizes, colors, and textures (for example, sunflower seeds, lima bean seeds, corn seeds, chickpea seeds, kidney bean seeds)
- Bowls for sorting each type of seed
Directions: Lessons 1, 2
Learning Center
- Have children work together to sort the collection of seeds into bowls, creating groups of seeds that are alike.
- Encourage children to talk about the size, shape, color, and texture of the seeds. You might want to narrate what you notice a child is doing: Look! (child’s name) has put some big, white, shiny seeds in this bowl. Can you find some more seeds that look like these?
- Have children describe what they observe. Possible discussion ideas:
- What do you notice about this seed? What does it look like? How does it feel?
- Hold up two different seeds. What makes this seed different from this one?
- Let’s find all the seeds that have sharp points on one end, like this.
- Which seed is the biggest? Which is smallest?
- Tell me how you are sorting the seeds.
- Point to the bowl with small seeds. Point to the one with big seeds.
- Which seed group has the most seeds? Which has the fewest?
- Which seeds did your group plant?
- Before children move on to another Learning Center, ask them to describe how they would help the seeds grow into plants. Possible discussion ideas:
- What do we need to do first if we want the seed to grow into a plant? What things do plants need to grow?
- Do you have to water a plant if it hasn’t sprouted yet? Why?