Early Science  /  Plants  /  Videos  /  Activity

Exploring Small Spaces



In the video, children mark off a small space on the ground outside, then look very closely to see what living things they can find in that space.

Teacher shows students 'Exploring Small Spaces' video on iPad. Students watch video on iPad.

What do you think the children in the video will find in their small space?

Do you see any living things on the ground?



  • Exploring Small Spaces video on iPads (1 for Circle Time; several for Learning Center)
  • Projector (if available)


  • Familiarize yourself with the video Exploring Small Spaces.

Directions: Lesson 10

Circle Time: Introduction
  1. Tap into children’s prior knowledge as you ask,
    • Where is a good place we can go to see plants growing?
    • What kind of plants can you find outside?
  2. Tell your class that they’ll watch a video about children exploring a very small space outside. Watch the video Exploring Small Spaces together. If possible, use a projector.
  3. After you watch the video, engage children in a discussion about plants. Possible discussion ideas:
    • What are some of the different living things—plants and animals—we saw in the video?
    • Was there anything in the video that surprised you?
    • What sort of living things do you think we might see if we explored a small space outside like these children did?
    • What are some things all living things need to live and grow?
  4. Watch the video again. Have children clap their hands each time they see an animal, a plant, or part of a plant.
Learning Center
  1. Invite children to rewatch the Exploring Small Spaces video and observe what happens closely.
  2. As you stop by this center, engage children in conversation about what living things they see in the video and what living things they think they will see (or have seen) outside near their school or home. Use similar prompts as above.

Directions: Lesson 11

Learning Center
  1. Invite children to rewatch the Exploring Small Spaces video and observe what happens closely.
  2. As you stop by this center, engage children in conversation about what living things they see in the video and what living things they think they will see (or have seen) outside near their school or home. Use similar prompts as above.

Length of Play

5 min.

Group Size
In the Schedule


  • leaf
  • living things
  • observe
  • plants (noun)
Learning Goals

  • Observe and describe characteristics of plants that are associated with them being living things.