Early Science  /  Ramps  /  Week 2: Lesson 4  /  Activity

Rolling Marble Art



Children roll paint-covered marbles in a paper-lined box lid or tray.

At a table, students and a teacher have bowls, with paint and a giant marble in each. One girl tilts the bowl to roll the marble around in the paint. A teacher helps a student spoon a giant marble covered in red paint onto a piece of paper that sits in a tray.

Cover a marble in paint.

Scoop the marble out of the paint and place it in the box lid.



  • Disposable cups
  • Large box lids, baking pans, or tin trays (approximately 12″ x 18″) (1 for each child)
  • Large marbles (1 for each cup of paint)
  • Paints (2–3 different colors)
  • Paper
  • Plastic spoons (1 for each cup of paint)
  • Smocks


  1. Cut paper to fit the bottoms of the box lids, baking pans, or tin trays.

Directions: Lessons 4, 6, 11

Learning Center
  1. Demonstrate the activity: Place a sheet of paper on the bottom of a box lid, baking pan, or tin tray. Place a marble in a cup filled with paint and stir so the marble is fully coated with paint. Use the plastic spoon to scoop the marble out of the paint and place it on the paper.
  2. Encourage children to talk about their exploration. Possible discussion ideas:
    • What do you notice about this object? What shape is it? Tilt the box lid. How does the marble move? Does it roll or slide? Why do you think it rolls?
    • Point out to children that when tilted, the lid becomes a ramp. Tilt the box lid in a different direction and have children observe which way the marble rolls.
  3. Continue until the marble runs out of paint. Then use the plastic spoon to return the marble to its original paint cup. Encourage children to place a new paint-coated marble in the box lid and continue to create rolling marble art.
  4. Display the finished pieces of artwork around the classroom. Invite families to view the Rolling Marble Art Gallery at drop-off or pick-up time!

SAFETY ALERT: Marbles can be a choking hazard to children. Make sure children understand that they are never to put marbles in their mouths. Monitor children when they are playing with marbles to ensure that they are using them responsibly and safely.

Length of Play

5–15 min.

Group Size
In the Schedule


  • describe
  • ramp
  • roll
  • round
  • slide
Learning Goals

  • Observe and describe how the shape of an object affects how it moves (rolling, sliding, etc.).