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Wonder Farm

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A screenshot from the app of a character standing next to a tomato plant and ruler. Early Science cloud

It's always growing season on Wonder Farm, where children plant digital seeds and help them grow! In this app, children create a sequence of conditions for the seeds and observe how the tomato, cabbage, bean, and carrot plants transform as time passes. Children also mix up a colorful salad using a healthy variety of garden vegetables. Part simulation and part game, Wonder Farm helps children explore how factors like the weather and hungry animals can affect plants' growth.

A preschool girl watching a tomato plant grow in the Wonder Farm app.

Wonder Farm is part of a Plants curriculum supplement from Early Science with Nico & Nor® that was rigorously researched and developed specifically for preschool classroom use. Early Science with Nico & Nor® curriculum supplements combine traditional classroom activities with digital learning to promote young children's engagement with age-appropriate science practices and concepts. Explore the Nico & Nor® Early Science Teacher’s Guide and Nico & Nor® Family Science Fun (available in both English and Spanish)!

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Early Math with Gracie & Friends® and Early Science with Nico & Nor® and the characters and related indicia are trademarks and copyrights of WGBH Educational Foundation. ®/© 2014-2025 WGBH Educational Foundation. All Rights Reserved.